
Monday, December 3, 2012

38 weeks - First day of "vacation"

So today is my first day off of work. I guess you could call it maternity leave but I'm going to call it my "undetermined vacation". I was up at my normal time, did my normal morning routine and then stared at the wall coming up with what I was going to do with my day.

First thing I tackled was putting together the pack n play. This was a mess because I got it all together, in the nursery, and realized I wanted it in our bedroom. Welp... It didn't fit through the door assembled. So I had to take it apart and put it back together again in our bedroom. Voila!

That was done by 9am, so then I started some laundry and this blog. So far it's been a productive day and it's barely 10am! 

Last night was the Annual Koch Family Christmas Party and Santa brought Baby some presents! His second ornament & a baby journal!

His Great Aunt Daryll made him another one of her amazing bibs! With of course a penguin in it!

And last week Daddy (Levi) finally hung up the last shelf! I decorated it with my first mother's day gift (A monthly photo frame from my mom), Clifford's First Christmas (from my coworker Jill), and 2 sweaters (One Knitted by Great Aunt Daryll and the other from Aunt Allie). Please excuse the lack of light switch cover! Lol

And last but not least, here is this weeks bump, still sitting kind of high, but he feels lower, so I think he's just stretched out.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year I'm so very thankful for so many things. Family, Friends, Levi & little baby Caden. I can't wait to meet him.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone :)

These goofs are my life :) 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

33 & 34 Weeks

This week according to my silly app, baby is the size of a Pineapple/Cantaloupe. It sure feels like he's the size of The Great pumpkin! Most of the time these days when people ask "How are you feeling?" I reply with one word "Stretchy"

Not much exciting has happened lately other than some more growing. So I'll just leave you with belly shots for these 2 weeks.

Here's 33 weeks 2 days! I was a tomato for Halloween

 And for a more dramatic bump. Here's 34 weeks 2 days, in a tight shirt! lol

Thursday, October 25, 2012

32 Weeks - Beginning the Diaper Collection

We decided we're going to use cloth diapers with Baby for many reasons.
1. No nasty chemicals on babies skin
2. They're better for the environment
3. Less expensive in the long run
4. They're cuter!

Just to name a few.
After tons and tons of research, I decided to try out 2 brands. Gdiapers & Swaddlebees. Both have great reviews but are very different.

The Gdiaper is a 'hybrid' diaper. It comes with the option to purchase cloth and/or disposable inserts. The cloth are made of hemp, cotton & micro fleece. The disposables are flushable, compostable and can be thrown in the trash but WILL break down until traditional disposable diapers. I could go on all day but if you want to know more about them visit their website (

The Swaddlebees we purchased are the Infant Simplex All-in-one. They're all cloth, a PUL outer shell with Birdseye cotton inside. (

I ordered the small sizes in both of these for now. After we get to try them out I might like one over the other and just pick one brand to stick with.

So here's the beginning of the collection!

Here is 32 weeks and 3 days!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

31 Weeks - Baby Shower & Nursery pictures!

I don't have much to gab about this week other than we had our shower on Sunday, and it was amazing!

Also today I took at trip to UIC medical center to meet with a midwife there just in case of transfer.

So heres a couple pictures...

The nursery is coming together!

My rocking chair! This came from my grandma's house! It's so comfortable!

The closet is still a wreck! But Levi washed all the baby clothes!

Bump at 31w 3d

Shower pictures

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

30 Weeks - Hiccups and Peepee Tents

We hit the big Three Oh! Only 10 more weeks until our little man's due date. I can not believe how fast the last 30 weeks have gone. I imagine that time might start slowing down now that we're getting so close to meeting our little muffin.

Late last week the little mister started getting the hiccups a lot! I'm sure all the mothers out there know what this feels like, but for those who aren't mothers, let me describe this strange feeling to you! First off, we know that mister is head down and him having the hiccups all the time confirms that, because that's where I feel them. They feel like little muscle spasms. Not like kicks, and I can only feel them internally. When baby kicks or punches I can see and feel them externally but not theses little annoying taps of the hiccups!

He gets them quiet a few times a day now and according to my "what to expect" book they "don't cause the baby discomfort" But who figured that out?! Who went into someones uterus and got their baby to tell them this?

I got a little gift for baby AND daddy this week. Our friends keep reminding Levi about how he's going to get peed on. And that he better remember to cover up the little man's wiener while changing diapers & giving baths. We'll I found these little gems on Etsy...

We'll have to let you know how well they work once we get to try them out!

Finally, this week I'm finishing up getting my shower favors done. I know the shower is supposed to be done by everyone else and that I'm supposed to sit back and just enjoy it, but I wanted to get involved. So I put myself in charge of favors, my personal way of thanking everyone for coming to celebrate our baby! I'm not going to post what they are until next week after the shower. Let's just say I had fun creating both of them!

So with out further adieu, here is the 30 week bump!

Monday, October 1, 2012

29 weeks - Hip Hip Hooray!

11 weeks to go! and 12 weeks until Christmas. I'm hoping this little man comes before Christmas!

So far I've gained 12lbs from my pre pregnancy weight and 10 inches around the midsection! With 11 weeks to go, if I gain by the book (1lb a week) I should gain 11 more lbs. But who's counting? Not me.

Last Thursday I went and saw Debbie for my 28 week appointment. We heard a strong 'typical' boy heart beat of 136 bpm and she felt around the bump and confirmed that this little boy is head down already!!! Let's just keep our fingers crossed he doesn't randomly decide to flip over. I'll have to refrain from handstands and cartwheels. Debbie also took blood to test my glucose levels and iron levels. She called this afternoon and told me the results...

"Everything looks perfect" The best words an expectant, home birth planning mother could ask for! Debbie only has a 7% transfer rate because she is extra cautious with who she lets have a home birth. And gestational diabetes is one of the things on her 'no home birth' list. But now I don't have to worry about that one!

So here's the bump at 29 weeks, I can't believe how big it is (but I say that every week)

And this week, I worked on a secret project, plus another little project...

I got a 'C' made out of wood and painted it and added some ribbon. I'm considering going back and getting the rest of the letters to spell out babies name but I'm still undecided. I originally bought the C just to go on his bedroom door. (Yes the stripes are a little crooked but it's ok!)

The Maternity Jean Battle is over... I hope

I've never in my life struggled to find a comfortable pair of jeans, until now.

At the beginning of this pregnancy it was warm out, I bought so maternity shorts from Target and Motherhood. I thought they were the most comfortable things I had ever worn. The were still a little big on me at first so I had to pull up the belly panel from time to time, but I didn't care because it was so comfortable otherwise.

Well fast forward to the weather cooling off suddenly and rapidly. I needed to find some long jeans. I hadn't thought about it because it had been such a long hot spring/summer. So I went to my first choice of Target... FAIL! Their smallest size (2) was too long, too big in the butt and even the belly panel was too big.

So I started my search online. I ordered 2 pairs on Old Navy's website after reading reviews that they were awesome, I ordered one size 4 skinny jean and one size 2 boot cut. I got them, tried them out and thought that I had found my jeans. After wearing them for more than an hour I realized the panel was WAY too tight and uncomfortable on my bump. The skinny jeans aren't as bad but still they weren't as comfortable as my beloved maternity shorts.

Remembering I had a pair of hand me down jeans in my drawer I tried those on, worn them for a couple days and quickly realized, maybe my belly just didn't want something hugging it. The panel wasn't too tight but just uncomfortable once again, AND they were too short. Which wasn't the biggest deal but I just wasn't comfortable!

So back to the internet I went, found this off maternity site called sweet pea maternity. Ordered a pair... the panel was cotton with an elastic at the top... not comfortable at ALL!!! And they were way too long.

I went back to Old Navy because they had a sale, I finally decided to try a different style. The under the belly elastic panel. They were on sale for $22 and $19. So I ordered 2 different pairs of boot cuts.

HALLELUJAH!!!! This is it! Finally a comfortable pair of jeans, both of them. They're a little loose but my belly doesn't feel squished! The battle is over! Unless these suddenly get too tight, short, or I decide they just aren't as comfortable as I thought. But I don't see that happening! *Fingers crossed*

(I'll have my weekly update when I get my glucose test results back)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

27 Weeks - My how things change

When I take the time to sit down and think about my life before this wonderful pregnancy, I realize how much more has changed that just my body's appearance. 

Let's start with the first big change I made, I quit smoking! I had been smoking since I was 15, yeah I know terrible. I always talked about how I'd quit when I was ready. Well I obviously was very ready as soon as I found out we were expecting. I quit very quickly and haven't gone back! And hopefully my will will be strong after baby is here and I won't start up again. *Fingers crossed*

The next big thing that changed was my diet. I've always been a pretty healthy eater. I attribute that to my mom always making great home cooked meals. When I moved out on my own I tried and struggled making healthy meals for one, cooking just seemed like more hassle for one person than it was worth. But now I'm cooking for 3! Levi, myself and baby! My midwife kick started all of this by strongly recommending I start everyday with 2 eggs. I thought to myself 'really, eggs, I don't even like eggs' but I wanted to feel better and protein is the key to getting rid of the majority of morning sickness. So I started eating eggs, and guess what, I like them now! Also I started drinking milk. I've never been a fan of milk but now I LOVE it!

With making myself breakfast every morning, which I never did before, it was a meal I skipped for years, I started making Levi breakfast every morning as well. It only takes a few minutes to fry an egg and toast a bagel. I used to be the type to lay in bed as long as I could before having to get up to get ready for work. Not anymore! 

Those are just a few changes that have just come naturally to me. I could go on and on but that would make for a really long and boring blog post. So now I will appease you all with what you really came here for... to see my belly! lol

27 weeks and 3 days

Monday, September 10, 2012

26 weeks - We have a Crib!

So Monday, Labor Day, we went and picked up our crib from Levi's brother, Bob. It's barely been used because their daughters co slept until they were old enough for their own beds.

Of course the girls had to try it out...

Here's this weeks bump. I'm going to be giant by the end of this.

We also hung some curtains, turns out we picked ones the exact same color as the walls! lol The room looks so plain now but we're going to color it up with some art work! We're still hoping that we can get some friends to make some art for the room.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

25 weeks - Getting things done!

Last Thursday we had our 24 week appointment with Debbie, my midwife. Everything is perfect! Baby is growing perfectly, I've gained a good amount of weight and because I've been sticking to a healthy balanced diet I get to drink an Ocean Spray Cranberry juice from the glucose test instead of the famous gross juice that everyone keeps talking about! Keep your fingers crossed that sticking to the diet has prevented me from developing Gestational Diabetes.

Also on Thursday Levi & I cleared everything out of the babies room that isn't for the baby! We organized all the things we've already gotten for him and I started on a project!

Back in February or March, before we knew about baby, Levi found this awesome kitchen island thing on the side of the road, in perfect condition! We had planned on using it somewhere in the house but we weren't sure where. We decided to use it as a changing table! Only problem was it has a stainless steel top. Probably great for kitchen use but not so great for in a nursery. So we came up with a plan to cover the top with foam batting and a slipcover. Keep in mind we will also be putting a changing pad on top for extra safety we just haven't gotten it yet! We also wanted to remove the wheels but that would make it an odd height so I made a little skirt to cover them up!

I went to Hobby Lobby to get some picture frames, but low and behold they had the WORST selection of white picture frames. So instead of paying $8.00/frame on ones I didn't like very much I went to Target and while there I went browsing through the baby section and found a great bargain! A $30 Graco diaper bag on sale for $8.98. The lady at the check out had to get out her reading glasses to make sure it was correct! LOL! (I got the perfect frames for $4 each too)
Note, under this sticker was another that said 'was 29.99'

At Hobby Lobby I did find a cute iron on for a onesie and some little shoes so I got those and ironed it on right away!

Monday, August 27, 2012

24 weeks - Starting our collection of baby things!

24 weeks already?! I can't believe it. And I already feel HUGE!!!! I mean look at me! lol I love the changes though. This week we have another appointment with our midwife, Debbie, I love going to visit her. I'm so glad that I get to go see a midwife instead of a doctor. She actually takes time to talk with me and cares about me and my pregnancy. This visit I hand in another food log to so she can determine if I get to drink the icky juice or the grape juice for my gestational diabetes testing in 4 weeks. Keep your fingers crossed for the grape juice! I've been pretty darn good with sticking to the diet.  And I've been really good at remembering to take the recommended vitamins every morning!
24 week bump!

Sunday we met up with Levi's friend Sandy who was generous enough to gift us a bunch of baby 'supplies'! I am so thankful for her gifting. We got a car seat/stroller system (which I was afraid we wouldn't be able to use but after extensive research it is safe to go!), an ERGObaby carrier, a boppy pillow, 2 play sets, a grocery cart cover and some other random things! I can't thank her enough for everything. 

The Boober got to help test everything out!

Morning routine.
Every morning I take all 4 of these things, recommended by my midwife (I trust her recommendations over a doctor anyday)  D3 for calcium balancing, immunity boosting, cell growth, and insulin secretion. Perfect prenatal for everything. Fish Oil for Omega-3 fatty acids to help baby's neurological system develop. Floradix for a little boost of iron for blood production.

Monday, August 20, 2012

23 weeks - Buddha Belly!

This week has been all sorts of exciting! We finally decided just to paint the Nursery the Beige that the rest of the house is so that it would match with everything and when we buy a house and rent the condo we won't have to repaint! So the room went like this...

I also ordered these pictures for above baby's crib

And here's the bump at 23 weeks!

How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: This week I fluctuated between 125 and 130. yikes!
Maternity clothes? Same 2 pairs of shorts and squeezing into my tshirts. I ordered some jeans from Old Navy so we'll see how those fit.
Stretch marks? Nothin! Praying to the Mamma Mio godess still!
Sleep: I've been sleeping great this week! Having a litte trouble waking up but thats ok.
Best moment this week: Feeling him dance around while watching How To Train a Dragon! and Levi got to feel him too!
Miss Anything? Sushi! We had a conversation about it last night, I can't wait until I can eat it again!
Movement: Again yes! He's still got room and he's enjoying every moment of it

Food cravings: Nothing really
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: Oh Yes :)
Gender: A Boy!!!
Symptoms: Acid Reflux/Heart burn, it's been killer
Belly Button in or out? Completely flat now!
Looking forward to: Picking up nursery furniture, Getting the 4 prints I ordered!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

22 Weeks - Boy! Oh Boy!

Welcome to what is now my pregnancy blog! I debated on whether or not to do this but I like to write and keep everyone updated so let's do this! I'm starting this off over half way through...

Last Sunday we went in for an elective 3d/4d ultrasound at a wonderful place called 4d Imaging in Arlington Heights. We weren't planning on doing a 3d ultrasound but when our medical ultrasound was so unfriendly and we didn't find out the gender we decided we had to get another one. The result was, as many of you may have seen on facebook, it's a BOY! Levi and I couldn't be more excited (even though we both previously had dreams about girls, but it doesn't matter what it is as long as it's healthy)!

Here are some pictures for fun :-)
12 weeks

22 weeks

Our Little Man!

How far along? 22 weeks 
Total weight gain/loss: I'm at about 126 lbs according to my cheapy scale. I started off this adventure at 123lbs and lost about 7lbs in the first trimester.
Maternity clothes? I have 2 pairs of maternity shorts I alternate, I think it might be time to in some maternity jeans tho as it's been getting chilly at night/morning
Stretch marks? Nothin! I hope this mama mio stuff really works!
Sleep: I sleep pretty well in general, sometimes he wakes me up kicking in the middle of the night, but that's just preparing me right?!
Best moment this week:  Starting BRIO/Bradley Birthing classes and showing off my baby belly at Susie's Birthday dinner! lol

Miss Anything? Sushi! We had a conversation about it last night, I can't wait until I can eat it again!
Movement: Yes! All the time! He's a wiggle worm!
Food cravings: I still haven't really had any cravings, except the few times I wanted cheese fries
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: Oh Yes :)
Gender:  A Boy!!!
Symptoms:  Round ligament pain this week, what fun.
Belly Button in or out? It's kinda flattened out and disappeared
Looking forward to: Getting started on the Nursery!